Saturday, November 19, 2011

What should I get my parents for Easter?

Me (12) and my 7 year old are on a budget of about $15 per each parent. My mom likes coffee, books, and music. My dad likes sports, reading the paper, and food/ wine. I was thinking about getting my mom a gift card to the coffee place and a card and my dad a gift card to his favorite restaurant. For about $15 on each card and then getting them a card and maybe some chocolate easter eggs. What do guys think? Other ideas?

What should I get my parents for Easter?
Yeah you have good ideas.

Or maybe you could buy some cute coffee stuff from wal-mart and get the starbucks coffe brew they have and then put it in a lil basket with some reeces eggs around it.

And for you dad buy him a a sports mag or some good books about cooking or just go for your idea.
Reply:While your ideas sound great if you want some more suggestions.

You could always get your mom some fancy coffee from the store and a nice mug.

your idea for your dad is all that I can think of.
Reply:That's some really good ideas.

I would stick with those.
Reply:Get ur dad a subscription to a local sports paper!
Reply:Your ideas sound good to me.

It's the thought that counts.
Reply:That sounds like the perfect idea.
Reply:Those ideas sound good.

Also, if you are on a budget (which you said you were) maybe you could make your parents a card since it's the thought that counts.

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