Monday, May 17, 2010

Could my birth controll be causing mood swings?

The group health insurance with my company just switched from one insurance provider to another on 04/01/2007. We have not yet received our ID cards and are not in the insurance provider's system due to some sort of error over the Easter holiday.

I was supposed to have filled my birth controll prescription for this month on Sunday but was not able to. I tried again yesterday evening and was still not able to fill my prescription due to this error on behalf of the insurance provider. Ever since the weekend I have been very emotional and even having mood swings. I've noticed I've been a bit queezy and overreact to things that normally wouldn't upset me so badly. It's only been a matter of a couple days, could the birth controll (or lack thereof) be causing this emotional behavior?

Could my birth controll be causing mood swings?
Definitely, birth control is a hormonal pill and if you have been on them for a while you body will go through withdrawl and cause you to be more emotional than before.
Reply:yes, i came off of my birth control because the hormones were to much for me (i was taking yaz, which is the lowest hormone you can get basicly) my moods were awful and i felt like crying if someone said anything to me...when i was on gereric birth control, it made me have panic attacks...good luck, i would tell your doc (call the nurse) about your symptoms...
Reply:Yes, apart from being female, the hormones that HAD been regulated by the pill are no longer being regulated so you're a raging hormonal wildebeest.

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