Monday, May 11, 2009

"Easter Greeting"?

I' m new to the States...The Easter is coming soon.

I want to send some greeting cards to friends, and family?

What should i write on the card?

any help?

Thanks alots

"Easter Greeting"?
Most folks just say (or write) "Happy Easter."
Reply:Make it simple and say, "Happy Easter"
Reply:Happy hols the easter bunny is comming enjoy
Reply:just write Happy Easter

bad credit loan

I need to hire a car this easter holidays,where can i find the cheapest car hire,and i dont have a credit card

Car rental companies will not rent cars to anyone with out a credit card and a good credit rating. You will have to start saving now, so you can get a credit card, and maybe next year you can rent one. Check out for excellent advice on credit cards and their uses.

Following on from studs q last night about mothers day?

well lets not celebrate, birthdays with cards, or easter , or anything ever again. and then he will be out of a job, and that will be all his own fookin fault..i for one love to receive cards for all things, how about you

Following on from studs q last night about mothers day?
Hello Dolly oops nearly burst into song there (bet you haven't heard that one before) It's nice to give and receive cards it's a nice way to let people know you are thinking about them whether it is a thank you, birthday, anniversary or just to a friend to say hello.
Reply:I agree, Dolly - I love receiving cards aswell.

Something really, really spooky has just happened....

I read wacky one's reply - the launching into song part, and it really made me laugh.

I just got up and was putting a load of washing in, and my other half has just launched into 'Well, hellooooo Dolly!'

I'm totally spooked llllllllolololol.
Reply:Oooohhhh he is so gonna get you for this x
Reply:Hiya Dolly

Studs gonna get you, and I'm gonna watch LOL

How about eCards? Are they still ok?

edit: coming right at ya

Hi Wacky - I have to stop myself every time
Reply:I love getting cards especially if the sender has written something special instead of a plain old Happy Birthday! Also the printed words say alot about what the sender thinks of u. I Looove cards and i always send them.
Reply:If hes out of a job he will be OK, according to his rant hes made millions
Reply:Cards a a nice thing to recieve, it shows that people are thinking about you especially if the sender puts some nice words in them, but they are very expensive for what they are.
Reply:i think he was a wee bit pished,

i never get cards anyway.

Can someone help me find a bunny?

I'm looking for a picture (comical, not sick) showing a cartoon easter bunny that looks stressed out. I've tried google and no luck. Basically I want to make a cute Easter card for someone who is currently under a lot of occupational stress. If possible, please provide a direct link. Thanks!

Can someone help me find a bunny?
This could be stressed out, if you exaggerate the eyebrows a bit, and add some sweat drops--- it's the best I could find.
Reply:This probably isn't much help, but here's what i found

That last one is great!!! :) Good luck.

Do you send out holiday cards?

More and more people no longer send out Christmas cards, which is sad. I always took the weeks between Thanksgiving and early December to write out cards with personal notes in them. As I think back, I also used to send cards to certain people for Thanksgiving, Easter, and birthdays. For some reason, I seem to have stopped doing that over the years. I still do the Christmas card thing, though. Do you send cards and for what reason? Do you just sign your name or do you take the time to actually write personalized notes?

Do you send out holiday cards?
I have always enjoyed sending cards as much as receiving them. Since I moved to Europe I tend to write only to my family and very very close old friends. Only because cards here are more expensive, and hard to find. I really miss my Hallmark cards in the states...keep making your friends and family happy by sending your's such a nice feeling to know somêone took the time to do it.
Reply:In England it is still a strong tradition to send cards. Not so much for easter or halloween and then they don't have thanksgiving but i still buy a box of christmas cards and mail them to all my family there 3 weeks before xmas.

My husband family here in theu.s do not even phone one another, they don't write, phone, visit nothing, they have barely anything to do with another.

So i don't send cards to them at all.

Just something i learned from him.
Reply:Only the Merry Christmas ones because I am Christian.
Reply:Yep, I do send out Christmas Cards to around 50 people each year - my friends, some coworkers, my mom's friends [on her behalf and with update notes] and I buy single special cards for each of my kids and my grandkids...writing something special on each.
Reply:I dont anymore but a few years ago I belonged to an internet group and we exchanged cards. It was an all female group. It was the most wonderful thing because I recieved over 50 cards of my own that year and they were from all over the world.
Reply:I send them and receive them. I also write little notes in them ,It gives it a personal touch and shows that you really care.
Reply:I still send out holiday cards. I send cards all through the year too. I personalize each one with a note. It's a nice way of keeping in touch and people seem to appreciate them. I may not hear from someone in mts and then will get a note saying how much the card brightened their day.
Reply:I never got into the tradition of sending out cards for Easter.

But I did give my hubby Valentines Day cards until these last

couple of years,when I couldn't get out to buy one. I always

send out Christmas Cards, as a family tradition. Although due

to others not sending their cards anymore, my mailing list is

down to a dozen cards if that. I used to mail out closer to three

in the past. But hubby was still working then, so we had other

people in the company to send to. When I sold Avon, I handed

out another twenty. So back then, it was almost a major in-

vestment to buy and mail out cards. But I enjoyed it and dis-

played them as part of my holiday decor on the inside of our

entrance door. I still hang them there, but more in the

center of the door only. Thank goodness for garland LOL.
Reply:I send for holiday and for no reason. I also email card almost everyday. Sometimes I sign them sometime I write a note. I've also sent them with out any thing.
Reply:Oh yes! It is the only way I can keep up with people with my added personal touch. I really love sending cards, some are so beautiful. I try to write notes to let them know what's going on and include my e-mail in case they want to get in touch with me. But you are correct. Not many cards come to my house anymore. I do still get ones from the real estate company or charity people. Pretty sad to let go this custom.
Reply:No I am trying to reduce my 'carbon footprint' as the new catch phrase is. We should not cut down trees just to make greeting cards. The trees do a much more valuable job being the oxygen pumps of the earth.

nanny job

What do you do when the secretary says that she isn't allowed to give the agent a card that I left for him?

I went to the place where I went on Valentine's day to give the people Easter cards and eggs. I also left a Easter card on the secretaries desk for the sales insurance agent that I love and she told me on Friday when I was there that she had to throw the card away and she is not allowed to give the agent anything from me any more.

What do you do when the secretary says that she isn't allowed to give the agent a card that I left for him?
Well you may love him but the feeling is not mutual. He's taken, married or not. You asked the secretary to pass on something personal, not business. She had a right to refuse you. However, she tried and the card/gift was rejected by the object of your affection. All men are not fair game and you have stepped over the line. His rejection of your gift was proof of that.

It is so unfortunate...but I've seen many women of the younger generation who lack the knowledge needed to work in a business atmosphere as concerns morality or social graces for that matter. They are all directed by their feelings without respect to the feelings of others. Lots of people are does not mean you can inject yourself into their life.
Reply:do you go in there often? maybe she is jealous or she is seeing him!! Maybe you should give him your cards to his face instead of leaving them with her!
Reply:This is a bit confusing. Maybe she is jealous. Or just a b***h. Or maybe he is a jerk. Or maybe he has a jealous wife. Or maybe it's a fear of stalking or some other weird thing. I say move on and count your lucky stars that you dont need to give him any more cards. That will save you some money to spend on yourself instead of others that dont apreciate it.
Reply:If he is in a relationship that has lated 20 years, what is your place in his life? What what you do is quit giving her things to give him He has probably told the secretary to not accept things that you want to leave there with her. You sound troubled.
Reply:Love is a two way street. You cant be "in love" with guy, you are attracted to him.

Find another boyfriend.

He is as good as married. Leave him alone!

Reply:There's not too much that you can do if he won't accept it. Maybe it's an office policy or a personal policy, but either way he won't take it, so that's it.
Reply:For gods sake, he is trying to tell you to buz off..stay away or you could be arrested for stalking
Reply:She was instructed to say that by the agent and/or it could be office policy that was ignored before. Unless you have a 'history' with this agent it appears he does not share your feelings. Try dating others and check back occasionally (not often) to see if ou ccan find out anything.

When you are sent cards for Holidays that are against your beliefs, how do you respond?

When you send cards just to say hello, or let others know you're thinking of them, they will often do the same on major holidays.

If you do not celebrate those holidays due to your beliefs, how do you respond after receiving these cards? Do you ignore them, or call and explain your reasons? If you choose the latter, how do most people react?

Most people don't send cards expecting anything in return, but some may be insulted if you don't respond at all. I have my way of handling this situation, but I'm curious to know how others would go about it. Soon Valentine's Day, Easter, and other holidays will soon be here. Thanks.

When you are sent cards for Holidays that are against your beliefs, how do you respond?
I don't celebrate holidays and I usually get cards at Xmas time. I don't respond but in the future, when I get the chance I let them know that I don't celebrate holidays in conversation. Sometimes I still get cards but it's really not a big deal. I think it'd be over zealous of me to write them or call them about it.
Reply:No. I simply thank the person for the card. No other conversation regarding beliefs or holidays are necessary. I think if you bring this to there attention you will embarrass the person, and perhaps end a friendship.
Reply:Don't you know its a sin to receive holiday cards that are against your beliefs? How ridiculous. I am not responsible for what others send me. I politely thank them for the sentiment, but ignore any other message contained in the card.
Reply:Well, a gift for a gift. I always send a card even if it's not a holiday card just to say thanks for thinking about me.

I have in the past tried to explain that I don't celebrate certain holidays, but all it does is get the person angry and they start lecturing me about religion. This year I sent out what I thought were very cute 'wintery' cards for the holidays, with a picture of a alien building a snow man. Ingrates, not even so much as a thank you.
Reply:I would thank them for the thought knowing that they value that holiday and leave it at that. There is no sense in trying to explain your beliefs and whys and wherefores - they were simply trying to be nice. Be nice back - simply without retort.
Reply:If you feel compelled to respond simply say thank you for thinking of me. No one would send you a card of thought and kindness with intention of upsetting you. I think it is very sweet for someone to feel comfortable enough with you that they can celebrate their religion with you, you should do the same with them, it is a very rare thing and it means they are a true friend.
Reply:I am a Buddhist...

I just feel joy and happiness that they thought of me and I think of them with loving kindness.. I don't get mad ... that's silly.. to be mad that people thought of you.... I would never call them and explain anything... that could cause hurt, embarrassment or pain to the other person... its a card and its just not worth it.

I send out Christmas Cards to people because it is my way of saying Hello I try to make them non denominational... like have a nice winter... for my Jewish friends I try to send appropriate cards...

Reply:When a Friend sends me a card, I enjoy it very much.I'll in return send them a card.Weather the card I received has a X-Mas Tree, a Menorah, or what ever, I still enjoy the card.The cards I send are from me, not my God.
Reply:I send cards for Christmas. If someone wants to send me a card for something other than the Christmas season, they shouldn't expect anything in return.

As for getting cards for holidays I don't celebrate, that's no big deal. It's the thought that counts.
Reply:Im not religious and people send me religious Christmas cards, I just ignore it, I know they meant well so I leave it at that.
Reply:I get lots of Christmas cards, and I am okay with more "secular" ones. Overtly religious ones make me shake my head and sigh.

I am Pagan and tend to send out pretty "Happy Holidays" cards.
Reply:I just say "thank you." That person was not out to "offend" you. They sent you a card because they were thinking of you during a time that is very important to them. If anything, you should be thankful you mean that much to another person.
Reply:Man if it bothers you just being plain polite in answering something sent you as a gift.. you got it bad. Send it back if it offends you!
Reply:As long as the people who send the cards are not pushing their ideology on us, I do not have to respond. So far that is not the case since they are my friends regardless their beliefs. Public mailings will be treated as junk mails.

Baby's first easter.?

my son will be 8 months this easter. and as a child i always got an easter basket filled with toys %26amp; candy. and still today my mom makes me %26amp; my brother an easter basket filled with gift cards %26amp; our favorite candy.

but i was wondering what you'd put in an 8 month olds easter basket. i wouldnt want to buy him a premade one until hes older, but even then i still may not.

any ideas? %26amp;%26amp; i know this easter will be more for my pleasure!

Baby's first easter.?
Get a basket and fill it yourself with toys that are appropriate for him and little packs of healthy foods he likes like the gerber snacks or raisins or whatever you're feeding him. It will be cute. Take pictures of him next to it so he can look back on it one day.
Reply:My son wasn't even a month old for his first easter this year. He got some clothes, bath toys, and washcloths and towels. And me and my hubby got the candy that was put in there. They put it in there for us. LOL. Gotta love my in laws.
Reply:Just put toys in it... he isn't old enough for candy and won't be for a few years. My mother never gave us much candy... we always got other things in our basket that we enjoyed as well.
Reply:gerber snacks instead of candy, toys, teething rings, stuffed animals, etc.
Reply:Try some kind of toy/s that are age appropriate to his age! And give him some of those Gerber graduate cookies/treats instead of candy. Both will be happy! Him with his toys and treats and you for seeing him happy on his first Easter!
Reply:Buy him a stuffed bunny and chick.....he doesn't need candy at that age so maybe an Easter movie too.
Reply:I always have bought my kids stuff they can use and put like a few pieces of candy in it. Like last year they got new helmets, sandals, shorts and a t-shirt and jump ropes. Plus a few pieces of candy.
Reply:well a easterbunny stuffy a easter outfit.. and some other toys.

I'm looking for a small, stuffed cream coloured lamb that was sold during easter 2003 at a card shop.?

The lamb has long ears and tan feet and tan around the mouth and nose. It was possibly made by Gund.

I'm looking for a small, stuffed cream coloured lamb that was sold during easter 2003 at a card shop.?
Try this website.
Reply:check out this website:

they have lots of plush toys, listed by animal type, and you can sign up to receive e-mail notices when they get new penguin, sheep, moose (or whatever) merchandise!
Reply:have you tried contacting gund or ebay? maybe even goodwill or second hand shops maybe you'll find one? Good luck!!!
Reply:Did it make noise? I have a pink one that. Not sure that helps.

rain roots

Does any-one no where i can get a pattern for easter bunnies?

i plan to use paper\card or felt scraps this needs to be easy as its for residents in an aged care facility

Does any-one no where i can get a pattern for easter bunnies? has simple crafts that would be easy for older adults to do. is another site that would be good for you.
Reply:Yahoo search then type in easter bunny patterns
Reply:check out yahoo for flt bunnys...also not totally sure if any of my links have that but my web site has a page of crafts links with all places that have free patterns...someare kids crafts so that may be just what you need a kids type crafts..a;sp check with they have kits and supplies really inexpensive. My web site is good luck
Reply:How about Styrofoam, paint, felt, it would make cute bunny heads, or 1/2 oval Styrofoam, paint cotton balls for tails, pink or white felt for ears?

What to write to a homeless person...?

I have to write Easter cards to homeless people. (School assignment- Catholic school) What should I write? It should be at least 7 lines. Thanks!

What to write to a homeless person...?
"Dear Homeless Person,

I'm sorry that all I'm able to give to you for Easter is this lame card. However, if you stick with it and try to better yourself, I promise I will graduate from law school, become president of the United States, and use tax money to give people like yourself a better chance to get back on their feet (instead of spending it on foreign soil for foreign oil.)

Jesus Rocks,

(your name here)"

How can a true Christian celebrate Easter and Christmas?

Most people accept that Easter and Christmas were pagan holidays giving Christian make up by the early Catholic church to attract and convert pagans. The real Christians at that time were being killed off and persecuted.

People say they do Christmas and Easter because it is about Jesus. But all that Ive seen Christmas do is cause feuds, greed, credit card debt, depression, and a lust for worldly treasures. Seriously 99% of the people who celebrate Christmas probably dont even mention Jesus's name. And Easter - what is up with the teeth rotten candy and other weirdness like eggs.

And what is up with Christmas spirit? Whats the point of something that is one day of the year? If its so good you should have that spirit all year.

How can a true Christian celebrate Easter and Christmas?
I think people can celebrate those holidays any way they wish (within legal guidelines). Personally, I celebrate them both ways. I reflect on God during these holidays and also enjoy the other aspects (Santa, Easter bunny). I think the two can be celebrated together - remembering Jesus and having fun are not separate for me.

Regarding The Christmas Spirit - I think Christmas time is when people are reminded about being loving, caring, and kind. It's a way to help people refocus. For some people the Christmas Spirit does last all year, for others the reminder is good.

Anyway, just some of my thoughts.
Reply:You're right. True Christians don't celebrate these holiday's. Now you just need to ask what religions out there that claim to be Christian don't celebrate these holidays.
Reply:The true christian does not celebrate Easter or Christmas. Easter's origin is actually filth. Read it's history. The apostle's said a christian can not 'eat at the table of demons and the table of the lord', and that's just what is going on when a professing christian celebrate holiday's that have pagan origins.

Friend, you and I are about the same on this. Hope this answer helps
Reply:Christmas is a day that used to be worshipped as a Pagan holiday of the December 21st -25th "Sun's Birthday" and they changed that to mix it in with the Christ, "Son's Birthday"

It doesn't matter what day one celebtates the birth of Christ as long as we honor the memory of that birth.

Whether we want to do it on December 25th by showing extra love in giving gifts to one another or some other day that we choose to commemorate that day, it won't hurt anyone to pick Dec 25th or another day to commemorate His birth because we don't know EXACTLY which day Jesus was born.

(Although I believe it was in the springtime

like the natural lambs)

As for Easter, it also has pagan origins as they worshipped the goddess Astarte,

and usedeggs as a symbol

of fertility in their pagan rites.

What does that have to do with the Passover and Calvary? Nothing.

But they mixed the Passover

in with a pagan holiday again.

Just look to the Scripture.

We know according to the Exodus Scriptures

that the lamb in Goshen was killed on

April the 14th and the death Angel "passed over"

that night.

New Life came from that shed Blood of Christ

and the Lily flower just represents the

Springtime of new life.

A person celebrates in their heart.

Whether they want to make the holiday

"Easter" a special day or not, everyday should be an "Easter" in their heart.

But they should stay away from the pagan

symbols of eggs and chickens, etc.

For God has nothing to do with that.

Just keep a balance in all things.
Reply:Go to church on Easter, and if Christmas is on a Sunday, go to church then too.

Also, I guess you could share the story of the two holidays and instead of buying people Christmas presents, you could make them, so you don't spend too much money.
Reply:The church has historically placed Christian feasts on or near pagan feast days to supplant the pagan holidy - not in adoption of it. Someone is misleading you.

As for the commercialization of Christian feasts, who do you want to blame?

BTW - Christmas is twelve days. The liturgical season leading up to it is called Advent.
Reply:Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas out of Ignorance. Once they know that they are pagan holidays ignorance is no longer an excuse. At that point they are willfully celebrating pagan customs. Now thats a problem. I pray all true Christians would listen to the Holy Spirit(Ruach HaKodesh) and turn towards G-D(Adoni) and follow His path.
Reply:In general the idea is to celebrate, they were pagan holidays (or near them) and people like to celebrate and get gifts.

I have no idea how a true christian can celebrate those holidays.

Some people have very strict ideas of what they allow for Easter and Christmas, anymore it should just be about having fun. The religious connotations are starting to be outdated.

People should have Christmas spirit all year round but they don't it is good to have a reminder from time to time, but anymore the season is just stressful and not fun, or full of respect for other people. Maybe we need a new holiday, but it wouldn't be long until that one was just like christmas or easter.
Reply:I'm a Christian that does not observe Xmas and Easter for those very reasons--they're pagan holidays! You can't mix paganism and Christianity--God doesn't like it.
Reply:Easter came from the Spring festival called Ostara. The eggs, rabbits, and other decor are symbols of fertility. Now Christmas, was based on a Deity that was born around the Solstice, Yule. That is where we get the Yuletide greetings from. And during the "conversion" it was mostly the pagans who were persecuted, not the Christians. The Roman Catholic Church were the ones who initiated the holidays on pagan festivals. It was a way to show symbolism to them as well.
Reply:A good christian will celebrate these holidays but a righteous one will see them for what they are.....another form of paganism.
Reply:Not sure what the question is. But I do agree with your point.
Reply:Well, we've managed to take Christ out of just about everything else, so why not Christmas and Easter, too?

Heck, next, people will be trying to take His Name out of the Bible.....
Reply:exactly, and jesus wasn't even born on the 25th of dec!! xmas is only about what people can wrap or unwrap. as an experiment, just try not getting anyone anything for xmas and see how many people are truly ok with that.
Reply:Oh my! Now you're telling me I shouldn't celebrate Easter or Christmas?!!!!! Give me a break.
Reply:Yes, Easter was started as a pagan holiday. But true Christians do not celebrate these holidays as pagans do/did. We set them aside as days to honor Jesus for what He did for us.
Reply:Christians celabrate Reserection Sunday and the the Brith of Christ,

not Christmas and Easter
Reply:I agree with you--to a point. However, the actual dates of Christ's birth and resurrection aren't as importtant as the fact that we celebrate them.

The world has tried to diminish their meaning, but that is true only to the extent we allow it to happen.
Reply:These holidays are mostly pagan but 'they' don't do any harm to those that are actually CHRISTIANS because such LIVE by the WORD of GOD on a 24 hr. 365 days a year ( leap year included) year in year out ....The reasoning is to live by the laws governing said nations/countries/etc. so in ones own home there is no strife as those laws/actions/etc. that are unjust/unrightous/etc. will bring 'it's' own downfall soon enough ....

Would you ever regrete giving a friend a winning instant lottery ticket found out she/he won 8 million?

You stick an instant lottery ticket into a friends greeting card(birthday,Easter,Christmas whatever the occasion may be)your friend actually won and he/she kept their mouth shut about winning 8 million and wouldn't give you jack. Would you regrete then ever giving her/him a WINNING ticket??

Would you ever regrete giving a friend a winning instant lottery ticket found out she/he won 8 million?
In this particular situation I would regret it. A true friend would gladly share with the person who gave them the ticket. At least I would.
Reply:Hell yeah, I would. I would not be able to sleep and would probably end up in the loony bin.
Reply:i agree with the others if he or she is a good friend that person would give something of it back too you.

then again it is amazing what greed does too even the best of people and intention's.
Reply:Yes. But I would hope that they would give me a little something, but I wouldn't expect it though.
Reply:Why, did that happen to you? I think I'd be depressed. If a friend gave me a ticket and I won $8 million I'm sure I send some of it his/her way....
Reply:Yes, of course!
Reply:I wouldn't regret it, because it helped my friend. However, if my friend wasn't willing to share some of the wealth without me asking for it, then I'd realize they weren't that good of a friend after all, and put the experience and that person behind me and MOVE ON.

Why do hotels always use white towels

Last minute Easter gift ideas for my honey.?

We're not religious, so the holiday doesn't have any particular significance other than a sort of cultural celebration we take part in. Nonetheless, I like to try to make holidays special. Unfortunately, I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to think of anything creative. Does anyone have any unique ideas for a simple Easter gift for my boyfriend? I don't want to do candy or cards or even flowers. No stuffed bunnies or chicks. I'm pretty crafty, but I don't have much time (like under an hour before he comes over tonight). It might be impossible, but I thought I'd pick your brains before giving up. Thanks!

Last minute Easter gift ideas for my honey.?
Instead of an Easter egg hunt, you could write on little pieces of paper things you love about your boyfriend. Attach the little pieces of paper spaced a metre or so apart to a piece of string.

When he arrives he follows the piece of string through your house getting all the positive little messages. Last of all at the end of the string is an Easter card or similar. And a big hug!
Reply:Make him an Easter basket filled with things he would like. Easter is the ultimate "gift basket" holiday. You could do a movie night basket with dvds and popcorn, or a sports-themed basket with golf balls and a golf hat and argyle socks! Anything he would like, put a few nice items in, then fill in with cheaper items and candy. You could even use something else for the "basket" like a baseball hat or fishing hat.
Reply:gift cards always work.
Reply:Chocolate.. every guy wants some chocolate and if you wanna have fun you can hide it in an egg and make him find it! fun fun fun
Reply:make hot cross buns
Reply:if hes into sports, maybe a gift card to a sports store, and and IOU for tickets to a game for his favorite sports team

or an IOU for dinner at his favorite restaurant, something like that...
Reply:Make him an easter card that way its easer to hide
Reply:How about an Easter egg hunt in your lingeree?
Reply:All in good fun, of course!

My husband does things over and over again that annoy me to no end, which have been discussed already. He says he'll work on it, but I see no changes.

I want to plan an "Easter egg scavenger hunt" for him - I will start off with his favorite candies ... then I will lead him to the annoying things he does, such as stinky socks lying around the house, crumbs on the couch, leaving garbage in the sink, empty beer cans all over the house, hideous stinky slippers and old clothes that he HOARDS ... do you think this will get my point across?

Husband is still upset about Easter, is he being a bit immature here?

Etiquette: I know what I did was very nasty and immature, but I think he got what he deserved?

He's been trying to lose weight and asked me not to bring any sweets into the house, so I haven't for a LONG time.

He's upset that I didn't get him his favorite chocolate easter eggs. I got him a really nice card and wrote him a poem instead.

Anyways, on and on all day about the easter eggs. So, by the end of the night, I said you want an egg, here you go ... pulled out my used feminine product and chased him around the house. He was disgusted but laughing. I was laughing hysterically.

He is still complaining about his Easter eggs and the disgusting stunt that I pulled - it's been over a week - let it go already, right?

Husband is still upset about Easter, is he being a bit immature here?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahah!!!!! oh man thats good....very creative of you!!!

yea he should let it go--i mean he chose his own destiny--asking you to not bring sweets into the house, what if you HAD gotten him easter candy, he would have been complaining for a week about that--how you are unsupportive of his weight loss

but maybe just to shut him up go to the store and get him his damn candys...haha
Reply:What you did was disgusting and very unladylike behaviour.

You owe him an apology for crossed the line here.....

About the easter eggs, he doesn't need them and if you are trying to defeat him, you should have had the house filled with treats all along.

He need to apologize to you for nagging you about them..

Tell him he can ruin his chances at reducing weight, but you are not going to help him fail...

So you both need to apologize for your behaviour.
Reply:perhaps its his way of humor?

maybe you can try telling him that you find his complaining grating on your nerves.. ask him politely if he would stop it.
Reply:Taking your used feminine product from between your legs and waving it around is just plain nasty. You need your head examined.
Reply:It's Easter NOT Christmas why was he expecting any kind of 'gifts'?? He should have bought his own eggs if he wanted them.
Reply:Sounds like you both acted like babies. Do the rest of us a favor %26amp; don't procreate any time soon.
Reply:Tell him if he wanted an egg then he should have gone out and bought him some stupid chocolate eggs. You were just trying to be nice by not tempting him with chocolate!
Reply:Life is too short to DENY yourself one particular food. On Easter you could have splurged %26amp; gotten him the egg but after Easter it's back to no sweets in the house I suppose.

Is your husband on house arrest or an invalid? Why couldn't he go buy his own eggs?
Reply:Complaining about the candy is petty.

The used feminine product... I feel sick.
Reply:He needs to get over it and stop acting like a child that was not able to get into the cookie jar. If he is serious about you not bringing sweets into the house, you only did not get him the chocolate out of the respect that you have for him. If he continues, then just get him that chocolate egg and give it to him with a pamphlet on cornonary heart disease or diabetes.
Reply:Well, that is kinda nasty but it was a joke and there is not reason for him to be making this big a deal about it. And about the eggs... um he's a grown man right? If he wanted the eggs so bad why couldn't he go get them himself? I think he's just being immature and bratty. Tell him that only kids make such a big deal over chocolate. Why do men have to be such little babies....
Reply:LOL only you know your husband, you tell us. it will die down
Reply:Tell him to file a complaint for the impetuous need for chocolate easter eggs to the W.W.A.E.B.A. Then go resolve his fixation by applying to appear in Dr. Phil. As for your response, Hmm!, very creative.

(w.w.a.b.a. - world wide association of easter bunnies amalgamated)
Reply:He really needs to get over it. Did he get you anything for Easter? If you're Christian you could remind him that the holiday has little to do with chocolate and more to do with Jesus and that he's being selfish by only focusing on that. Not to mention its in the past and he should move on.
Reply:No one knows better than a wife when they have had enough. Maybe his teasing about not getting his "egg" was his way of just messing with you. If he is really upset about not getting and egg and he is "still" talking about it I recommend two things.

Let him get over it by giving him and egg with a bow on it. Whatever you do, don't do it out of sarcasm or ill will. No one likes having something thrown in their face.

Can the US ATM cards be used to withdraw cash from an ATM machine in Chile?

Also, are ATM machines easy to find in the tourist locations in Chile (Santiago, Easter Islands, Atacama Desert and Patagonia)?

Can the US ATM cards be used to withdraw cash from an ATM machine in Chile?
When I was in Chile, I never had any problems with my cards, they always worked like a champ. ATM's are pretty easy to find, just look for a Banco de Estado or Santader Santiago, or Banco de Chile, those tend to be the ones that generally have ATM's that work. Be prepaired to pay extra fees from your bank for using the ATM.
Reply:Check with the bank that issued the card and ask them.

On the back of the card should be an 800 number. Cirrus or something similar.

They have zillions of places, but the destinations you are going to are not exactly the Bahamas. You better check directly for correct info.
Reply:I've never had trouble anywhere in the world - as long as the ATM has the PLUS or STAR or CIRRUS or whatever logo on it. However, you will get your money in local currency, and your bank will charge you an additional fee for the convenience.

Please note that this is probably the safest way to carry money in ANY country - take it out a bit at a time.
Reply:check with your bank, normally they have to put an international code to not flag your card for possibly fraud. Let your bank know at least a month in advance to get everything squared away and enjoy.
Reply:In agreeance with what someone else set be sure to contact your bank in writing to let them know you will be traveling abroad. Otherwise yor assets might be frozen if they believe the card has been stolen. It should work just fine but becareful because your bank might charge you large fees. I suggest take out larger amounts than usual.

I am preparing to study abroad and we have talked A LOT about this.
Reply:They are everywhere in a city of any size If there is a bank there is usually an ATM machine.

Do christians mind,if someone present a wishing or greeting card on the eve of easter?

i have a friend in my class,i want to present a wishing r greeting card on the eve of easter,but i afraid ,that she will mind it looking into the background of the day, i have no info because i m a muslim.

Do christians mind,if someone present a wishing or greeting card on the eve of easter?
The christian Easter has passed but the Christian orthodox one hasn't arrived yet(not sure)I'm not sue which one you ar referring to. I will answer the question anyway. Personally a greeting card would be fine with me I have received cards from from non-christians, and have given greeting cards for passover and Ramadan. I don't see a problem with it.
Reply:I am a Christian and I wouldn't mind, good friends are hard to find and shouldn't be broken up over religion.
Reply:Your Friend will not be mad. She will be glad you were thinking of her.
Reply:Don't worry, Christians are taught to love and accept everybody. I'm one myself, this classmate should be able to understand that you're giving this card to her. And anyway, it's just a card, it can't hurt. Go for it!
Reply:anee hammat. ana kamaan. translate in arabic, o.k?
Reply:most christians won't care, because most of the time they celebrate the secular ideas of the holiday as well. unless she is ultra conservative tradional style christian

massage shoes

Marapets easter egg hunt # 11?

I already know the answer(search Easter Bunny Trading Card, click on it then refresh...) but every time i refresh i still don't get anything and I'm tired of refreshing! help please ASAP!

Marapets easter egg hunt # 11?
can't find the website. you should have added a link.
Reply:hey,where are you searching for the card?I have the same problem,but i know its either the satellite or shop search but im not sure which one.I've just been told to search the two different places.Maybe you could try the other one that you havn't searched?But i've tried them both so maybe its just a glitch.
Reply:i got mine after half an hour of refreshing at satelite search easter bunny trading card.

so justkeep refreshing

Why do some people only contact you on a holiday?

Why do they send a Christmas card, or Easter card and they don't give a rats *** about you the rest of the year!?

Why do some people only contact you on a holiday?
this is typical behavior of the "church" goers. I believe in God but not in church..if you don't want anything to do with me for the rest of the year, then please don't bother me during the holidays...they are hypocrites and think they are doing something good during the holidays...blow them off
Reply:I think they give a rats about you all year long, but everyone just gets so busy in their own lives. The Christmas card or Easter card is just to let you know you are very important to them even though each has their own lives and responsibilities. But what I hate, is when you get all excited because you got a card and then besides the printed saying all they did was sign their name. I always write something in each card. Don't even get me going on the name printed too with out any hand written sentiment!
Reply:*Instead of ranting, we shd thank our stars , that atleast there are some people who sure think of us..... even during the festivities... wn everyone is busy enjoying themselves!!!

Also, if u keep in touch with them during the rest of the year, then they too might reciprocate the gesture !!!! Do try !!!!
Reply:because they will need you only when they need you and they would like to make it seem like they are still major players in your life when they aren't
Reply:cause your not important in their lives now doesn't mean you never wore important to them at one time. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to love you doesn't mean they didn't love you with all of their heart.
Reply:The Greeting card sender who never calls or drops by is the one who least cares and is generally the one "if near by" will go one further and send over his or her fruit-cake that's been sitting idle in their deep freezer for a year. You see, fruit cake is a hate gift and usually an indicator that if you receive this gift, they don't like you in the first place. So, you wait til Easter and send it right back.

How to end a letter without saying love?

I just met this girl online and we have been going out for about a month now. I am sending her an easter card and I don't know how to end it. I don't want to use the word love or imply something along those lines, but I don't want to just leave it blank.

How to end a letter without saying love?
you could end it with %26lt;3, or xoxox and then your name. I do this for friends with whom I feel warm towards or admire but dont want to sound weird or smothering. "sincerely" sounds to cold and "love" might be too forward. the heart or hugs/kisses is a sweet touch. girls dig that kind of stuff. but I know what you're sayin'. Funny how written/typed words come across as opposed to actual verbal speech.
Reply:"Thinking of you", "Here's looking at you", "With great sincerity", "With deep respect", or "Why do I even need to put my name here you know who it is".
Reply:best, yours
Reply:how about u use "yours" or "yours truly"? i'm just throwing stuff out there.
Reply:sincerely? From?

How 'bout

"Well, have a Happy Easter!,

Name Here"

Reply:yours faithfully
Reply:Try "Hugs" or just draw a little heart and then sign your name.
Reply:Just say "from" or "happy easter! ben" or substitute ben for your name, thats just the first thing i thought of
Reply:Yours truly, _____
Reply:i don't think it's that offensive to say


but you could also do like

hope to see you soon! Name

hope to see you soon, Name

say hi to everyone for me! Name.

something along those lines? just throw out a nice cute line followed by your name, it's all good : )
Reply:you could go with "from___" or "sincerely____"
Reply:All the best
Reply:You could say sincerely yours, or affectionately yours, or simply sign your name. A lot of people do that.

thinking of you,

Reply:thougthfully yours,

Reply:You could just sign your name... that's what I do since I find all that "always and forever yours one and only" crap too sappy.
Reply:Don't say...your....anything.....that could give her the impression of intended love.................just simply sign your name with wishes........................
Reply:yours truly, sincerely yours, your friend ect
Reply:try "All my regards, (insert name here)"
Reply:i think you shoulde say " your best find ________" i think that would be good.. then she knows you care about her without saying love _____
Reply:xo "name" ,

will do : ).
Reply:try one of these:


Happy Easter,

Warm wishes,


Easter gift idea?

I wanted to give my Mom and sister a gift card for Easter because they always watch our boys for us when we need them too, where might be a good idea for one for the two of them?

Easter gift idea?
I’ll have to suggest

They offer beautiful and affordable hand made paintings from your favorite photograph (maybe of your two boys?). I find it a unique and creative gift. What I liked of them is that they at reeeeaally good at capturing the physical likeness. I was very impressed with the results. In addition to portrait paintings they also do paintings of pets, landscapes and anything that means something to you (like your first car, favorite vacation spot, etc). They’re the nicest people… because I was late with her gift they even hand made a custom card to notify my mother that a special gift was coming her way. I highly recommend them.

Best wishes!!
Reply:I think a dinner is a good idea. Or you could get a poster from
Reply:How about you take them out for Dinner
Reply:whats their favorite store? or get them like a gas card for the car..
Reply:get them a certificate for a manicure or something like that at the spa

Perfect semi formal makeup

Did you buy your Parents a plant or a card for Easter?

Happy Easter

Did you buy your Parents a plant or a card for Easter?
I would have to send it to heaven and I don't know how to do that.
Reply:Thanks for the best answer and the comforting thought! Report Abuse

Reply:I sent both sets of parents an Easter card even though they only live a few miles from me. I also enjoy sending cards to the widow ladies in my neighborhood.
Reply:I'm going today to buy a plant to take with me to their house tomorrow. If I had gotten it any sooner, I would have killed it before
Reply:Yes. Oh, wait... did you mean *which* did I get them? Well, so far a card, but I was thinking of going to the store later and looking for a plant or cut flowers.
Reply:no just an easter chocolate this year

ty and have a happy easter!
Reply:Nothing yet. But I'm going to the store to play "Easter Bunny" today.

What do I do if I get phished on Myspace?

I was sent an "Easter card" and it phished my account. I changed my password, taken everything thing off the page and it's still on my page. It links to porn and it's invisible so when someone clicks the Home link, they get phished too. It worked last time I changed everything but now it's not. What do I do?

What do I do if I get phished on Myspace?
Well....You cant;

leave comments

write mail

edit your profile

Reply:I have a similarl problem, somehow I was also phished, but when I try to change my password and unblock the account like it says to do, it says "incorrect password" but I KNOW I am entering the right one!!

I am so frustrated and don't want to make a new account...someone PLEASE help us out here...

Im 37. My girlfriend sent my an easter e-card but it was for a person named Brad.?

I asked her who Brad is and she said she sent it to me to see if id get jelous then she would know i care. I knew she ws lieing then she admitted its a man that has a store here in town she met a long time ago and hes married with kids. Would u leave it at that or go to the store andcheck for a wedding band onhis finger?

Im 37. My girlfriend sent my an easter e-card but it was for a person named Brad.?
mmmm thats a strange one. I know personally I would have to check, but I would advise people not to!
Reply:Go to the store and, first of all, check if he even works there. If he does go and talk to him and ask him if he knows your girlfriend (but don't say she's your girlfriend). Be really nice too and don't act mad or anxious.
Reply:she's a lying **** and she's cheating on you. run for the hills.
Reply:Why would any one want to do that to someone else, just to see if they'd get jealous? Jesus, grow up already. I'd be asking myself if she is really worth it. Besides jealousy, now you've got trust issues. On fourth and long, I'd punt.
Reply:Yes if I were you i'd be upset. You should go to where he works and act like a customer. It wouldn't suprise me if you find an engagement ring on his hand. It happened to my mom, she had been dating this one guy for a year and he proposed. Couple weeks later she found out that he was dating someone else and her at the same time. It's worth it to check.
Reply:i wouldn't necessarily say this is a deal-breaker, but she no.1 did something behind your back, no.2 lied to cover it up. look at the rest of your relationship, be honest, do other things not "add up". it makes a difference too how advanced your relationship is, if you've gone out 3 times i don't think she is required to get rid of all relationships with males. if you guys are engaged, or close this is looking pretty bad.

what difference does the wedding band make? some people it does not matter.
Reply:check it out.
Reply:I'd do something more productive and either:

A. break up with her because she's probably lied about more than this to you, and I wouldn't want to be with a guy who was cheating on me(if they were 'just friends' she wouldn't have lied in the first place about the ecard), or

B. seek some couple's counseling, if you really care about her.

Your choice but good luck to the both of you.
Reply:Unless it was all lovey dovey just forget it but just be sure that you trust her and tell her that lieing will make you want to leave her, Dont lower yourself to checking it out unless you have something more
Reply:Oh my, she sent it to the wrong person. You'd better believe it...she's got a guy on the side. I feel bad for you because she's obviously playing two guys. Leave her move on and find someone else.
Reply:I dont think so. My impression is that she may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, for the following reasons:

She screwed up and %26amp; sent it to you by mistake.

This makes her a liar....

Which indicates lack of morals, integrity, and respect.

...Not to mention un-trustworthy.

Is any of this worth your time and attention.......when you deserve someone who would/could actually care for YOU, and your feelings???
Reply:I would dump her as* that's what I would do. She's using you while she's waiting for someone else.
Reply:i would say drop have to decide whether you want to stay with someone that you do not trust.....if you go to the store and there is or is not a brad...then what.
Reply:Wow, what a dumb mystake from her..

I'd go and check on.
Reply:she got caught slipping... does it really matter if he's actually married? he could be a cheater too.
Reply:wow thats harsh. I'd check if i was suspicous and then again if she's not that kind of person who would lie like that i wouldn't bother
Reply:I guess I would have to go down to his store and get a look at this guy. Then casually strike up a conversation with him to find out if he's really married. Was the Easter card romantic?
Reply:- Eh, Just leave it alone.. Because if you go to check, your girlfriend could get angry.. Personally, it sounds a little shady so keep an eye out..

Just let her think you believe her, and if she's lieing, I'm sure she would feel guilty- and the truth would spill ;]
Reply:even if she says it's innocent b/c he's married, that's not necessarily true. even if you go and you DO see a wedding band, it doesn't automatically make it a friendly ecard, he could be cheating on his wife.

i'd trust her if she didn't lie once already. the first thing was clearly a lie, good call.

depends what the card said, if it said "love" or "can't wait to see you" then it's bad news, obviously. if it said "hope all is well" or something generic, don't worry about it! (except the fact that she was nervous and lied to AVOID this whole suspicion, lol).
Reply:Does not matter if he has a ring or not, she lied to you and she is very likely having something going on with this person. Now you have to decide if she can be trusted in the future and even if there is a future.

Lots of people send out lots of cards for any Holiday, so getting the card with the wrong name on it did not mean anything UNTIL she lied about it....

If he is "just a friend" if you have been BF/GF for very long you should know her friends, at least the ones close enough to be getting special greeting cards....
Reply:I'd absolutely lose my freagin' mind. Are you kidding? I think it's time for a easter breakup. Please and Thank You.
Reply:she's cheating on you.
Reply:SHE'S CHEATING ON YOU. Or wants to.
Reply:send her packing
Reply:go to him and ask him. then if he doesnt know about you, shes in trouble.
Reply:It depends on your personality and what you expect from a relationship?

Your girlfriend obviously is not interested in a monogamous relationship.

If that is alright with you, then you should do nothing and accept that your relationship is not exclusive.

However, if you are upset that your girlfriend is not devoted to you only, then you should do something.

But, here is where I disagree with your idea of going to see this man...

The problem is not with this other man, but with your girlfriend.

I would talk to the girlfriend about expectations and boundaries.

If you do not come to an agreement about mutual respect and values (which I do not see happening), then you should let her know that, and that you will be ...moving on.

There are many women 'out there' who will treat you as you justly deserve!

As far as the 'other man', leave him out of it. (If it wasn't him, it would be someone else).The problem is not with him, but your girlfriend.

No one is worth making allowances. Find a woman who puts you first!
Reply:shes gotta b lying but just to b safe

Reply:ya. just go to the store, dont talk to the guy, and see if there is. dont start anything, just look
Reply:Definately check it out!!!!!
Reply:Oh...definitely check it out!!!
Reply:I wouldn't go that far as to going to the store to check if he has a wedding ring on. Not all people wear them, even when they are married. Especially if their older.

You should talk to your girlfriend about it, obviously she lied to you when you asked her who Brad was. So she's got to be hiding something.

Make sure you talk to her about it, don't go down there and do something you'll regret.

Good luck.

I am going to southend on sea and i wounded if there was any dinosaur king cards machines?

me and my brother watches it and we relly want some my mum said we cant have any and i wouned if there was any of the cards at the amusment parks there because i am going down mydads for the easter holiday andwe were going to go in the amusments when we are there. thankyou for readind and anserwing

I am going to southend on sea and i wounded if there was any dinosaur king cards machines?
I looked on eBay and there is 71 auctions for Dinosaur King Cards on there, Sorry I dont know about the Southend.

Here is the eBay link:

Good luck......

inline skates

Creative way of telling people you are pregnant?

Ok I'm almost 9 weeks pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and I want to be creative when telling my 3 sisters. I'm waiting until I'm in my 12 week to tell people and the most important people besides my parents are my sisters. I told my parents with an Easter Card signing it from me, my husband, and baby. I don't know what to do when telling my sisters. If you have any ideas or share how you told people that would be great. Thank You.

Creative way of telling people you are pregnant?
if you have had an ultrasound you could do what i did...okay it won't let me post a link but i personalized the ultrasound picture one for each family member and they got to keep it and take it to show everybody. they had messages like "you're my grandmother" and "you're my favorite aunt" stuff like that. we told all of our family at the same time.

and we told all of our friends a couple of days later, my husband is in a band so the singer just said "chad and brandi are having a baby" and that was cool.
Reply:Go shopping with them and head to the baby section.
Reply:Well i have'nt told anyone yet %26amp;%26amp; i cant think of good ways either, i'm just planning a meal out with them all then going to say "For my 18th birthday im not going clubbing, I decided to throw a baby shower" Then hug them LOL xx
Reply:Get them something that says "aunt" on it!
Reply:i wanted to do a 'congratulation, grandma" on a flower arrangement to tell my parents (their first grandkid), and 'aunt" for my sisters, but i didn't. i was too excited and just blah everything out on the phone.
Reply:You could wait until you have a unltrasound picture (sonograph om the US, I think) and then make a little kind of home movie - "coming soon this autumn!" with video clips from baby stores showing tiny clothes and cots and stuff and finish it with the picture of the baby saying "three aunties (or however many sisters you have) and a baby!" That creative enough? ;-)
Reply:Maybe you could include an even that will be this summer and slip it in like well at cousin Susie's wedding I will be eating for two but at least I won't embarrass myself on the dance floor since my booze intake will be none :)

or- That 4th of July party will be awesome this year- I will have to find a cute maternity top to put on or a cute swim suit for the camping trip.

little things like that would be fun and surprising :) Good luck
Reply:I told my sister last night...I gave her a card and in it I wrote,

You could write a poem

or you could sing a chant

Either one you choose


She loved it!!!
Reply:i was just too excited and was ringing people up the second the stick turned blue

Does anyone have ideas for Easter table decorations and placecard?

I am having realtives this year from my side of the family, Italian and my spouse's Greek and want to do something special for the dining room table such as name place cards and decoration for the buffet table.

Does anyone have ideas for Easter table decorations and placecard?
I would buy chocolate eggs and use frosting to write each guest's name one one. Place it in a small Easter basker with some Easter basket grass and a few jelly beans.
Reply:research the easter traditions in those countries, go to picture sites like for example, print little cards out to vary for each person. if u have kids, let them blow out eggs and decorate them with crayons, stickers............ or glitterglue to write the names on them. just use a thick sewing needle to prick hole in each end of egg and then blow the egg out into a bowl. get posterboard, cut in placemat size, glue apic of each relative on it and decorate with easterstickers..... for centerpiece of table just use an easterbasket, dollarstores have a lot of cute little easteritems for in them..... gl hope that it will be a success for you

We have made place cards from small doll hats. For the ladies we used small straw hats and added ribbon, flowers, and a small tag. The gentleman received top hats decorated with small Easter bunnies and name cards.

Decorations for the Easter table do not have to be lilies, but it would be nice to have spring flowers arranged in a pretty bowl or basket daffodils would be nice for their sunshiny color. Candles really ought to be part of the table decorations, not only because they are so festive, but because of the allusion to the Light of Christ. For centerpieces you can purchase a few glass vases and real or fake flowers. Fill the vases with colored jelly beans and fake flowers or water and real flowers in others. You can layer the jelly beans by color for a rainbow effect.

Another cute way to designate place settings is by decorating eggs to look like each guest. You can purchase doll hair at your craft store as well as tiny sunglasses, mustaches, etc. Very cute.

If you have a dessert tray (they hold multiple plates in a tree-like contraption) make cupcakes, decorate them with green colored frosting sprinkled with green shredded cocconut "grass" (just add a few drops of green food color to a tablespoon or so of water, then stir in the coconut until it is nicely dyed.) With few jelly beans (or, even better, one or two coated chocolate "bird eggs") on the top, each little cake will become a colorful Easter egg nest.

If you're still looking here is a great site with colored photos:
Reply:Greeks have Red Hard Boiled Eggs on Easter... so..

Boil the Egg %26amp; cool to room temperature

Use wax or crayola to write each guests name on...

Then place in red food coloring until Egg is totally a deep red.

Set Egg in *cupped* orgami..

5 " square piece of paper (your choice of color %26amp; type)

fold in half then open and flod in half the opposite way

Open up and take all 4 corners and fold into center.

turn over

fold all 4 corners to center again

open up by keeping the points in the center to the inside and placing your fingers in the little *flaps that will become the legs to the stand...

you now have a *cup* to place the egg into

Center piece of daisies

How can i make an easter greeting card on adobe photoshop??? plz help?

how do you use photoshop to make cool things??? like put a background picture and write something...

How can i make an easter greeting card on adobe photoshop??? plz help?
Visit this site to get free greeting cards of your choice.
Reply:There is a world of information out there on PhotoShop

Here's a cool site to get started....

And another.....

Have a great time!

I'm making easter goodies for my best friends mom to take to work....(read)?

I'm making five different flavors of bon-bons, chocolate petite fours(sp?) and decorated sugar cookies. what else can i make?

By the way I will also be handing out my business cards in hope for some more customers. :D

I'm making easter goodies for my best friends mom to take to work....(read)?
sugar coated pecans...recipe on line...Google it! a great site!
Reply:You could also make chocolate covered oreos in easter colors or use regular milk chocolate and add sprinkles in easter colors that would be quick and easy and fun to experiment with.
Reply:how about macaroon cookies their always good
Reply:SNiCKERDOODLES are fun %26amp;%26amp; easy to make.. cheescake in the shape of an egg.. cupcakes with pink and yellow frosting
Reply:making something seasonal like easter egg slice would be nice.
Reply:How about the chocolate suckers in the shape of bunnies or chicks. I also luv homeade marshmallows, they're extremely easy to make but taste so yummy :)

Curves VC workout

Greek Easter?

When does Easter fall in Greece this year ?

Would it be appropriate to send my friends Easter e-cards ?


PS-How do I say Happy Easter in Greek?

Greek Easter?
WK, I'm sorry my friend, you have got mixed up both the Catholic and the Orthodox Easter. The Catholic is this coming Sunday and the Orthodox on the 27th ofApril.

This time the difference between the two is the longest of about 5 weeks. So, Good Friday of the Orthodox Easter is on the 25th April.

It is appropriate to send E-cards as long as they set to arrive after the Friday, when is a day of deep morning in Orthodox religious countries.

As Asimenia said, ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ, is the wish that applies for the whole period climaxing on Sunday. But For Sunday the most appropriate one is ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ.

The first is HAPPY EASTER while the second is CHRIST HAS RISEN.
Reply:The predominant religion is Orthodox, so Good Friday is on April 18 and Easter Sunday is the 27th

Western churches celebrate Easter this coming Sunday March 23.

You can send an e-card. I have gotten mine from friends who are catholics living in Quebec, Canada. I think it is the warm thought that counts, and doesn't need a religious reason to put a smile on friends faces.

Happy Easter is Καλὸ Πάσχα pronounced "Kaló Páskha"

To pronounce it go to this website to hear how it is enunciated

Reply:kalo paska

means happy easter

greek easter is at the end of march somtime not egsactily sure
Reply:on the 27th of April this year...

Kalo Paskha
Reply:This week (21-27of April 2008 ) is the so called Megali Evdomada, Great Week, which is Easter Week for all Greek Orthodox people. Anyone that has spent this week in Greece will have noticed that it is the most important holiday of the year. This year the Good Friday is on the 25th of April and the Easter Sunday on the 27th of April 2008.

Happy Easter in Greek is Kalo Pasha~
Reply:easter will be the same everywhere as good friday is the same day in religous calendars

Easter handmade greeting.. do you like it? (pic included)?

I have a small business and I sell this kind of things, handmade cards, easter arrangements.. I'd like to ask you if you like them, and how much would you spend on it?

Thanks for an honest oppinion.

Easter handmade greeting.. do you like it? (pic included)?
They are gorgeous cards, and for something of that quality and handcrafted I would expect to pay around $6.00-10.00 for it.
Reply:I think you did agreat job! there very cute. I would buy one for my mother. I won't spend more than $6.00 on a card . so than I could have extra money to buy her flowers too.:)
Reply:They are all beautiful, I make cards also. I would pay at $ 3.00 for each one. Keep up the good work

Hi, im trying to put a pic on this easter card online?

i took the pic my self with my camera and i got it in my email so im trying to put it on this card to send to my friends and family but it keeps saying Photos must be .jpg/jpeg or .gif format. what dose that mean i what do i do to get it like they want it please help

Hi, im trying to put a pic on this easter card online?
Check the file ending of your pic, is it like "me.bmp"? If so, open it in windows paint and save it as .jpg or .gif. That lets you keep the original file and you can upload the .jpg or .gif pic which has much less KB.

Do they really like the cards?

My guy is special, we have been dating about 6 months, and now we are up on easter, I wanted to send him an easter card, he cant be with me right now, but anyway the ones i seen seemed really corny, how do guys really feel about that kind of stuff???do they really think it is corny??

Do they really like the cards?
i like card espcially funny corny what ever ;) and it shows you thought of us!
Reply:Regardless of the fact that I'm not a guy, would you rather something corny or nothing at all? Atleast then they know that you care for them.
Reply:Do what you feel, if he think it's corny, then he don't deserve anything... it's the thought that counts...and you showing that you care...
Reply:we love it
Reply:he will think it is sweet
Reply:my boyfriend likes it when i send him cards! i think you should its a card he wont be mean about it if he does he obviously isnt a very secure man! lol
Reply:Depends on the guy. Some guys will find it cute and sentimental. Some guys will find it corny and kind of pointless. Either way they'll say thank you so do what you feel is right.
Reply:corny = fantastic

Going out on a limb will let him know you trust him; and every guy who's serious about his girl loves that feeling.
Reply:its just an easter card, even if he does think its corny he'll think its sweet that you thought of him so i wouldnt worry.

roller blades

Does anyone have any idea about an easter activity?

a game that could be similar to bingo but not i usually play bingo with easter things on the card any other games some are very old so it has to be sitting down game not hard.

Does anyone have any idea about an easter activity?
well some good games i find for all age groups around Easter are and egg hunt or have a relay race, but if you want a simple inside game you could make your own bingo cards with an Easter them or you could play card bingo its not hard(more info contact) but if your not interested in bingo then try having a lot of plastic eggs in each of them place like A chocolate egg or something on about 1/4 of them put a sticker or marking make people pick on if they get a candy with a sticker on it they can get a prize or you could come up with something Else to give or do when they get a marking/sticker
Reply:I here egg rolling is really popular in North America.
Reply:Painting hard boiled eggs and rolling them down hill.

Make the painting decorative.
Reply:rambling! -this is go on a long walk in the country

Can you redeem gift cards at stores?

I got an aeropostale card for easter, It was quite a lot of money, but I am not so crazy about that store. Is it possible to redeem it for a full cash refund?

Can you redeem gift cards at stores?
Nope, ha-ha.
Reply:definitely not :/ can buy clothes for nieces %26amp; nephews(if any) or cousins who do like that store. or perhaps brothers or sisters?

hope i helped :D

Greeting cards?

Easter Cards, printable examples

Greeting cards?

My niece is 16 & I can't afford Her a gift so I would like to know what I can put into Her Easter card?

Thats an easy one...a personal letter from you telling her just how special she is would mean the world to her and it would be something she could treasure forever. ~Happy Easter~

My niece is 16 %26amp; I can't afford Her a gift so I would like to know what I can put into Her Easter card?
Maybe if you have a picture of you and her together you could get it printed and put that into her card... Girls are usually pretty sentimental im sure she would love to get something like that...
Reply:go into your collection of possessions and give her something that you love, and would like to give to her to always remember you by ; something special from you to her; for my grandson, I just went through my old coin collection and gave him a coin that I bought much younger as a keepsake for him to keep and pass down to his children; I also purchased a small bible and wrote a heartfelt message to him so that some day when I am not here, my token of love, my sharing of something that meant something to me and my heart written inspirational message is something that he will always have , from me to him.

What am I saving all my stuff for? I can't take it with me and the bond and love with others means more than my stuff; if it was a granddaughter , I would have gone to my jewelry box; the more years the less possessions that I plan to have; I will give them away to the people that I love while I am alive.
Reply:awww stingy...


Reply:Maybe a special bible verse you 2 share ,I know I enjoy receiving them from my Ti'a
Reply:An origami bunny.



Does anybody send out Easter cards with a pic of there children I was thinking about doing it.

I don't send cards for Easter but there is no reason why you can't. I think its a cute idea!
Reply:yes i am. took pics of my little 4 month old with bunny ears on. to cute. thats gonna be our easter cards
Reply:no i never done that on easter only xmas
Reply:I personally haven't done it but I have received cards at easter with the little ones on the front and I love it! You should do it. Just another great way to keep everyone up to speed on you kiddos.
Reply:Go for it everyone loves getting updated pictures of kids.
Reply:I've that! One year instead of Christmas cards we did Easter. Last year we did Valentine's day for our family newsletter. I never have enough time at Christmas to get cards out besides everyone else does it then. I found I got more respondances doing it at a different time.

Need some help in writing something in an Easter card. Any ideas?

Here's the website I get ideas from.

Need some help in writing something in an Easter card. Any ideas?
Well, do you want it to be funny or serious or religious? Is it to a friend or an acquaintance or family member?

Why should you get money for Easter?

I understand candy; a traditional part of Easter, ever since I was a little kid, Easter egg hunts, with little chocolates inside.

But why on earth do parents give their kids money? Or even anything besides a card and some candy?

Why should you get money for Easter?
because some kids want more than candy so the parents give them money to buy what they really want. why else do u think? everybody loves the almighty $$$$$

I need a Bible verse for suitable for bereavement AND Easter.?

My grandfather is dying and I want to make a card for my grandmother. He may or may not live until Easter, and I want the card to be an Easter card that would be suitable in either event. Could you please suggest a good verse to put on the card? Thank you.

I need a Bible verse for suitable for bereavement AND Easter.?
Try this site:
Reply:1 Peter 1:3---Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
Reply:Although there are many great scriptures for bereavement, two good scriptures for bereavement would be Revelation 21:3,4 and Isaiah 25:8,9. These scriptures offer us hope of a better future as a result of God's Kingdom taking action. (Daniel 2:44)

Isasih 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me. … To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. (Isaiah 61:1a,3 Amplified)
Reply:John 5:28,29

"Do not marvel at this, for the hour is coming when all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who did vile things to a resurrection of judgment."

Revelation 21:3,4

"with that I I heard a loud voice from the throne say 'Look, the tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. neithe will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away.
Reply:Christ's resurrection is like the resurrection we will experience when we our bodies are raised to eternal life. Furthermore, Christ's resurrection is the basis for our resurrection. Hence, death and our future hope are closely tied to the resurrection of Christ which we celebrate on Easter.

I think the following passage would be appropriate:

1 Peter 1:3-4 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept for you in heaven..."

roller blades

What's a good thing to say in a Easter Card for your grandma that says...............?


Not Even a Million Miles

Could Keep Us Apart

Beacuse There's so much love to keep us close

Have a Wonderful Easter

What's a good thing to say in a Easter Card for your grandma that says...............?
I love you and wish that we could be together on this holiday.

Love and prayers,

Reply:i want to take care of u.with all my heart.because i ll never leave u other do.i love u i ma laways thir for my grand mom..whom i lov ethe most,bless u..bye
Reply:i would add to the one sentence because threes so much love to keep us close in our hearts i like it go 4 it grandmas our here for such a short time love her plenty
Reply:I hope to come and see you soon. Hope all is well on your side of the planet.


your fav grandchild

p.S?? is it just me or did anyone else not understand a word of Janies answer?

Whats the best way to make an Easter card?

I would say the best way to make a card is to ask my son at kincos. they make the best Easter card's the way you want it to look and say personal words. I do all my card's there and for all holidays too.they also do it by your own pictures on them. please excuse my writting but they are the best.

Whats the best way to make an Easter card?
so you want to know the best easter card to get ? well today is you"r lucky day first you got to go to the store

and look some card and just a few mins and just read some like about 3 or 4 well i hope that not to so well than pick out the best card.
Reply:you cloud put some notes in a hard boiled egg! just kidding. you should just make a bunny.
Reply:draw and cut out paper in the shape of a bunny.. and coulur it in
Reply:if u cant find the perfect card u can just make a personlized one it shows ur creative side!!!!!
Reply:On the computer i did it i came out great!

Broken Teeth

What would be a good message to write in an Easter card to someone special?

Me love you long time

What would be a good message to write in an Easter card to someone special?
How about writing how you feel %26amp; at the end just say this comes from my heart?
Reply:John 3 vs 16
Reply:ok, i had to write down several good ones, but i think this is the bestest one ever!

"you are special, happy easter...

ps: the easter bunny is gonna eat your babies"

Chocolate Easter bunny

In a jelly bean nest,

I'm saving you for very last

Because I love you best.

I'll only take a nibble

From the tip of your ear

And one bite from the other side

So that you won't look queer.

Yum, your'e so delicious!

I didn't mean to eat

Your chocolate tail till Tuesday.

Ooops! There go your feet!

I wonder how your back tastes

With all that chocolate hair.

I never thought your tummy

Was only filled with air!

Chocolate Easter bunny

In a jelly bean nest,

I'm saving you for very last

Because I love you best
Reply:Me love you long time

Time it takes to boil the oats

Oats are for lovers
Reply:How about, "I'd be EGGSTATIC if you were here!!"
Reply:One full of love.

Reply:Me love you long time

Time it takes to boil the oats

Oats are for lovers
Reply:in all the eggs out there, your the golden one with the prize, glad i found you...........
Reply:"Me love you long time." Hahahaha.. I think that pretty much says it all.

Draw a picture of a bunny too.

Or what the guy below me said. ↓ That's very charming too. Hahaha.

Reply:Easter eggs and rabbit ears

Bunny tails for nancy queers

Let's all do the bunny hop

I'm a bottom - you're the top!
Reply:LMAO Me love you long time!

Uh... If the crib's rockin, don't come knockin'? Wait, sorry, wrong card...

Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians.

Sorry! I was fired from Hallmark for suggestions like these...

Hey, fuxbum, you're back! Wow. I really thought we'd lost you! I'm so excited to see you here again, will you be my best friend? BTW I was being SARCASTIC!
Reply:God loves you.

He allowed His Son to bear your sins.


in everthing

giving thanks

to God our Father

thru Jesus the Son

When is Easter this year?

I want to send an Easter card to my friend in the US. So when should I send it? I looked on the internet, and it gives me more than one date!

When is Easter this year?
You missed it...Easter was on the 23rd this will not be this early again in any living persons lifetime. Easter always falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
Reply:Last Sunday.

You missed it.
Reply:omg you missed it

and how can you not know when easter is?
Reply:March 23rd
Reply:it was the last sunday!!! sory!!

but you can send it.... hoping your friend had a cool easter!!!!
Reply:Easter was last Sunday, March 23.

The Celebration of Easter was much earlier this year. Both Canada and the USA celebrate Easter at the same time.
Reply:Last Sunday March 23, 2008. You missed it.
Reply:Yep you missed it and here is a little explanation of determining the dates for Easter. Send a Belated Easter Greeting maybe?

The full moon this month is on April 18th. But it is not just any old full moon, this one is special. April's full moon is the first full moon after the vernal (spring) equinox and it determines the date of a very widely celebrated holiday: Easter.

Easter is celebrated by Christians all over the world. The holy day remembers Christ's death on the cross and rejoices for the Resurrection. It expresses the essential message of Christianity: redemption of the soul.

Easter occurs in spring, close to the vernal equinox. Specifically Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox unless the full moon is on the equinox in which case it is after the following full moon. In fact, there was a full moon within hours of the spring equinox this year, and so we use this full moon on April 18th to date Easter by.

So now you know how the date of Easter is determined. But why is it that Easter has no definite date such as Christmas. Why does it move around, sometimes early in the spring, sometimes later? And what is the connection with the moon?

Easter was always a very special holy day, far more than even Christmas a few thousand years ago. During this time, the true believers used to make a pilgrimage to the holy lands. Of course, in this day there were no trains, planes and automobiles, there was foot, camel and horse. Most traveled by foot. This presented a new problem because they needed to be able to travel after dark, and therefore needed some kind of light. What better light to have than the light of the moon?

Could anyone help me with an appropriate prayer, or quote to include on an Easter card???

A good friend of mine is a devoted Christian, and I would like to add a nice, finishing touch to the card that I am giving to her for Easter. If it helps any - she is married, had three children, and is facing some difficulties in her life at the moment which have been affecting her in quite a negative way. Things have not been going very well for her during the past several months mainly due to some marital problems. I was hoping to find something to write on the card that would be both inspiring, and uplifting to help her to keep her the faith, and not give up hope during this unfortunate period in her life. I was thinking that a prayer, a bible verse, or something of that nature would be appropriate?

Does anyone have some suggestions for me? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry to say this, but I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to religious topics, and that is why I am seeking help with this.

Thank you, and Happy Easter to all!

Could anyone help me with an appropriate prayer, or quote to include on an Easter card???
And a happy easter to you!

A suitable bible verse i can supply you with is 1 Corinthians 10:13, its both inspiring, uplifting and may bring a little joy into your friend's hectic life at the moment. Even if you yourself are not entirely "Christain", she of course would love to know you're caring about her and willing to offer something she holds dear, such as words from God, from you.

The verse goes as such.

No Test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down;he'll never let you be pushed past yout limit, he'll always be there to help you come through it.

Even just the reference, 1 Corinthians 10:13 for her to look up is a nice way of saying, here, i've found something for you to have, and her looking it up and reading it herself could be a little more personal and comforting.
Reply:make something up that is nice, completely appriciating, and that is imagitive and would brighten someone's day.
Reply:Remove all my bandages LOrd like the Risen Lord and Lazzarus so that I may be free from all burdens and can fly again full of life. I promise to forgive all others who have hurt me so that I will unwind all their bandages and fly and enjoy life like me